Group Activities

Railway trailer

Capacity of the slaughterhouse shift per head

Gross storage capacity in tons
Export Development Group operation fields
The group works in the fields of agricultural, livestock production and processing in addition to the food industries, based on huge capabilities and a strong logistic structure.

Livestock production
The group has advanced farms geographically distributed according to their proximity to water and fodder sources. The group is working to manufacture livestock products to make the most of it.

Agricultural production
The group works to produce and purchase agricultural crops, horticulture, and fodder through contractual farming with small and large farmers.

Transformative Industries
Agricultural manufacturing is of great importance in the group's post-harvest areas of operation, and value is added to livestock products through post-fattening processes.

Distribution and logistics services
It includes ports terminals, warehouses, dry refrigerated and open storage facilities, land, rail and sea transport, in addition to loading and unloading the ships.