Saar Railway Services Company

Saar Railway Services Company

Saar Railway Services Company is registered under the Companies Law of 1925 under the number 23975 as a private company with limited liability on 01/15/2005 AD.
I registered and own a business name. …(Saar Rail Transport Project,)

قطار شركة سار لخدمات السكة الحديد بالسودان

SAR will be the choice in the field of rail transport in Sudan by the end of 2021

the message:
Providing distinguished rail transport services with international standards, with our transporting and pulling power, capable cadres, and advanced systems in order to satisfy the stakeholders.

It is synergy, integration, charity, commitment, creativity, innovation and friendship with the environment

work fields

Saar Company provides services for transporting goods through its trains along railways, and also works in the field of product distribution

13 locomotive

268 railway wagons

Contact Us

Saar Railway Services Company